"An extra dose of harmony with Dean Mitchell"
Piece originally featured at WATERCOLOUR NO 26 / MARCH-MAY 2017

It’s all about the time and the moment.
Likeness is fine if that’s what your after. I’m interested in getting totally lost
in the moment of painting, capturing something that can’t truly be repeated.
A rare moment that only I have as a human being. It’s like painting is life and life is painting. I will never pass this way again. It’s like trying to hold onto time which is basically impossible. This is what I truly love about being creative. It’s all about the time and the moment.

I’m mostly driven by my connection to the subject.
The people I choose are often family members, friends or strangers on the streets. There are times when I meet people at a social gathering and a conversation about their lives gets
me thinking about painting them. I’m mostly driven by my connection to the subject.

Artist friend Bob Ragland from Denver, Colorado
My artist friend Bob Ragland from Denver, Colorado has become one of my favourite subjects lately. I’ve painted him many times over the years in a miniature format. Lately I have become more interested in doing some more major works of him. I’ve truly enjoyed painting him. He’s been such a positive person in my life, both in regards to my work and personal growth as a human being.
He is truly a kind soul who loves art and artists. All he talks about is how artists need to be supported because they are
an important part of history

beautiful moment when the artist’s hand and mind meet the subject
When I’m painting I don’t think about technique at all.
It’s all about trying to capture emotional content, and a fleeting moment in time. Sometimes there is something in my subject’s eyes; the sitter’s body language or attitude. Sometimes the subject has lived a long strong life and has a powerful presence. It’s a beautiful moment when the artist’s hand and mind
meet the subject on a spiritual level.
Check the whole article here...